K-Korean War Tour
Do you know about Korean War in 1950-1953 ?
(The 38th Parallel Line- The First Division Line)
(The Tanks which used in during Korean War)
(The Last Train Station and the first station to the north)
(North Korea Building)
(War Memorial)
(Unification Bridge)
Korean War was occured in 1950 by North Korean Communist.
In 1948, the leader of North Korean, Kim-Il Seong, was cooperate with chinese and russian communist militaries to attack south korea. They were prepared to start the war.
In 1950, Seoul has been corrupted by North Korea in 3 days.
South Korean soldiers was pull back to Busan and we called UN to support.
US Soldiers from Japan, and the general Mac Arthur came in to Incheon
and attacked North Korean and pushed them up to near the boarder of China.
At that time, Chinese army pull us back to Seoul.
So UN decided to divide the countries, and they made the seperation agreement with Russian government. However, South Korean didn't like to be divided.
but there was no chance.
Finally, South and North Korean Leaders was made agreement of seperation by
MDL Line and make Demillitarized Zone.
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Korea Customized Tour
@ H&T Consulting.